Mechanical Drafting & Design


Students learn basic engineering standards and design concepts, machining and fabrication processes, knowledge of materials, and measurements and mathematics as they relate to the design process.

Quick Facts
  • Program tracks


  • Estimated certificate completion time

    2 semesters, 18 credits

Degree questions, answered.

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Students learn basic engineering standards and design concepts, machining and fabrication processes, knowledge of materials, and measurements and mathematics as they relate to the design process. Courses utilize the latest CAD software, allowing students to graduate with leading edge skills. All courses in this certificate program may be applied to the Architectural Design AAS degree.

The sequencing of courses in this program begins in the fall semester. Students entering in the spring or summer will likely take longer than two semesters to complete the program.

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The Mechanical Drafting Design Certificate program prepares technicians in the design and production of drawings of mechanical parts and assemblies. Courses provide graduates with enhanced skills and knowledge for careers as Mechanical CAD Design/Drafters. Potential fields of employment include manufacturing, fabrication, research and development, woodworking, and mechanical design industries.

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